Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PR 2

XAKE11, aka MIXED CULTURE has its PR rank already.
I did not expect that I'll be having a PR rank so soon. *Cheers :)

Last night, I was curious about what my co-bloggers Rhea, Patsy, Mich and Trisha were talking about, so I tried to google what PR means.

What does your Google PageRank mean?
Google ranks pages based on how important they are to the world.  Your PageRank is the end result of all sorts of calculations, but in the end it's a popularity contest.  So the higher your PageRank, the higher your chances of being found on Google are. 

I'm grabbing this opportunity to say thank you for everything.
No need to congratulate me. You, the reader should congratulate yourself,
 because it is because of the many readers that this blog has reached this.

My success is your success!
Long Live!

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